Cryogenic liquid system requires the recourse to numerical models for different reasons. System models can be
introduced at an early stage in the design process, in order to test the feasibility of different architectures in a limited time. Later, it can be used to test different working points, and improve the control of critical
sequences. Simulation saves many experiments and therefore limit the costs. All the way, a physical model will help the engineer to get a better understanding of the physics involved in his design.
The Rocket Engine add-on contains components for cryogenic tank modeling, tools for mission profile definition, etc…It extends the generic library numenGo|FL which provides generic and reusable state of the art models for fluid properties, mass and heat transfer, with advanced features for real fluids, compressible and two-phase flows. Therefore, it particularly fits space equipments modeling requirements.
Note : The presentation above uses SimulationX snapshots. The AMESim and Simulink corresponding presentations are available here.